picture of N8IK QSL card

I QSL 100 percent via the W8 QSL bureau, direct to N8IK, or via Logbook of the World (LOTW). Unfortunately, the FISTS QSL bureau is now closed. I upload my logs to ARRL's LOTW and to eQSL. My overall confirmation rate on LOTW is around 75 percent - thanks for uploading your log! However, I love real QSL cards so if you send me your QSL card you will get mine - no SASE, IRC, or green stamps are necessary! European SWL listeners - I know QSL cards are very important for your new ham radio license so be sure to give me a good postal address and you will get my card direct!

I love DXing and have DXCC (Mixed/CW/Phone/Digital) with a total of 234 entities confirmed. I also have DXCC on 40/30/20/17/15/12/10m, Worked All States (Mixed/CW/Phone/RTTY/FT8/FT4/40/30/20/17/15/10m), VUCC on 6m, WPX (Mixed/CW/Phone/Digital), and WAZ (Mixed). Still hunting for DE on 12m and HI on 80m for 8-band WAS!

I am the QSL Manager for W4HFH. QSOs for 2002 forward are on LOTW and ClubLog. No logs prior to Field Day 2002 are available. If you are looking for a great logging program, try ACLog.

Link to ARRL Logbook of the World