If you're interested in setting up a vehicle for mobile operations, spend a lot of time studying K∅BG's web site. You'll be amazed at the wealth of information about all aspects of mobile amateur radio installation and operations.
My favorite mobile platform was my 2000 Crown Victoria. All bands from 40m through 23cm (except 33cm) on SSB, FM, CW, and DSTAR. Three NMO mounts for 2m/70cm, 220 MHz, and 1.2 GHz, and a Comet UHV-6 HF antenna on the side of the trunk. Also APRS and an AvMap G4T GPS with bidirectional NMEA. Radios included an Icom IC-706mkIIG, Alinco DR-235T, Kenwood TM-D700A, and an Icom ID-1.